New Jersey
Admission for 2025-2026
Please complete the application with all information required to ensure that this application will go through the lottery process on Saturday, March 1, 2025. All information entered must be accurate and will be reviewed prior to the lottery. Falsifications, misrepresentations, or omissions may disqualify your application. The lottery for the 2025-2026 will take place on March 1st. Please note that the application will close on February 24th at 4 pm.
You can choose the best public education for your child!
There are NO entrance exams, interviews, costs, or special requirements.
iLearn Schools DOES NOT discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or national origin. Students who are English language learners or who require special education services are encouraged to apply.
Things to know before applying
If you are interested in applying to our networking schools (Bergen, Passaic, Paterson, or Hudson ASCS), please make sure that you apply to them separately.
Charter schools first accept applications from students living within the charter school’s local school district. If places are unfilled, out-of-district children can then be accepted. Local school districts for iLearn Schools are as follows:
Bergen-ASCS: Garfield, Hackensack, and Lodi
Passaic-ASCS: Passaic and Clifton
Paterson-ASCS: Paterson
Hudson-ASCS: Jersey City and Kearny
Since more students register for a place in the school than there are spaces available, students are selected for admission by random lottery.
Please complete a separate application for each child. You must receive a confirmation email for each student's application to ensure each student will be entered into the lottery.
Siblings of students enrolled receive preference for acceptance into their respective schools. Siblings must complete and file applications prior to the lottery date.
Kindergarten Age Eligibility Deadline: Students must reach the age of five by
Bergen-ASCS: October 1st
Passaic-ASCS: October 31st (Clifton Residents - October 1st)
Paterson -ASCS: October 31st
Hudson -ASCS: October 1st
Our process and application timeline
It takes only 3 minutes to apply!
More information regarding lottery process
Every year following the application timeline, iLearn Schools is accepting online and paper-based registrations for enrollment in the admissions lottery. In the event that more students apply than space allows, eligible students will be enrolled by a lottery system. All students’ names will be randomly selected and recorded in sequence. The first names drawn will fill available slots; all other names will be retained in the sequence of the drawing, and placed on a waiting list. Lottery date, time, and location for each school are being announced on each respective school's social media/website in February.
Bergen ASCS at Bergen Middle School Campus
Passaic ASCS at Passaic High School Campus
Paterson ASCS at Paterson M/H Campus
Hudson ASCS at Hudson Middle Campus
iLearn Schools are in the process of implementing a weighted lottery system to help better diversify our student population. According to the recently adopted federal and state guidelines, charter schools may hold weighted lotteries that favor disadvantaged students. Disadvantaged students are defined as low-income students (FRPL), students with disabilities, English Language Learners (ELLs), and students who are migrant, homeless, or delinquent.
Bergen ASCS will use a weighted lottery for economically disadvantaged students. Any family that can provide evidence of ONE of the following criteria will be given TWO tickets for the lottery:
- The child already qualifies for free/reduced lunch at his/her current public school.
- The child lives in Garfield/Hackensack/Lodi public housing.
- The child lives in Section 8 housing.
- The child or guardian qualifies for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits.
Passaic/Paterson ASCS will use a weighted lottery for English language learners (ELLs). ELL means a student whose native language is other than English. The term refers to students with varying degrees of English language proficiency in any one of the domains of speaking, reading, writing, or listening, and is synonymous with limited English speaking ability as used in N.J.S.A. 18A:35-15 to 26. Students who meet the criteria in any of the definitions in (1), (2), or (3) will be given TWO tickets for the lottery.
- My child's native language is not English: One of the following definitions must be met:
- - The child is not born in the United States, or their native language is a language other than English
- - Native American / Native Alaskan: The child
- - - is a Native American or Alaska Native, or a native resident of the outlying areas, and
- - - comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual's level of English language proficiency
- - The child is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who comes from an environment where a language other than English is dominant
- My child has difficulty in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding English: All of the following definitions must be met:
- - The child learned a language other than English when he/she first began to speak
- - The child speaks a language other than English at home most of the time
- - The child speaks a language other than English to his/her friends most of the time
- My child is currently enrolled in an ESL Program: Provide evidence of ONE of the following:
- - ACCESS test scores or any other language proficiency test scores
- - Parent notification letter about participation in an ESL or bilingual program
- - Report cards and/or progress reports indicating ESL
Things to know after applying
You can check your application status at any time through our automated communication system
Students Selected from the Lottery
Parents/Guardians are required to complete enrollment documents within two weeks after their child/children acceptance to school. iLearn Schools have the same requirements and procedures followed by the district schools in regard to health records, immunization records, birth certificates, verification of residence (rent or lease receipt, electric or phone bill with one or both parents’ names listed), student educational records, IEPs, etc.
All enrolled students are eligible for re-enrollment the following year, until they graduate from the school.
iLearn Schools Central Office
Address: 33-00 Broadway Suite 301 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Tel: (201) 773 - 9140 | Fax: (201) 773 - 9141
iLearn Schools, Inc. Ⓒ 2025