How to Apply


  • Pathway to College (PTC) Program is available to all iLearn students enrolled in 7th through 12th grades.

    Requirements are;
  • NJSLA Scores (Math and Reading) (partial proficient)
  • GPA (3.0)
  • Discipline Records (less than 25pts)

Selection Procedure

Invitation letters or application documents will be sent to eligible students’ parents via mail or email. Parents will be invited to PTC information session.

After the general parental information session, a meeting may be held to provide further detailed information to parents about their child’s responsibility as a student in the program. During this time the signed consent forms will be collected. Parents in the waiting list may be called upon availability.

On a specific day within the school year, the PTC Coordinator will present the program to the students and parents.

  • Students who successfully participated in PTC during the year, will be directly admitted to the next year’s program upon mentor availability.
  • For the new comers the selection should be done according to following weighted criteria.
  • According to aforementioned criteria, students will be eligible to enroll into the PTC program and the rest of the students will be put onto the waiting list.
  • If a student doesn’t fulfill the requirements, but is passionate for being part of this program, PTC Committee has right to accept the student to the program.

PTC Program Advisors will Assist in;

planning activities, monitoring progress, and setting goals in the following areas:

Professional Development

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Voluntary Public Service

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Expedition / Exploration

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Physical Fitness / Healthy lifestyle

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Career Exploration (High School)

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Pathway to College
