Pathway to College (PTC)
Program Overview

We believe all students deserve the opportunity to go to college. At iLearn Schools, we are aiming to provide the specialized information and support necessary to turn that opportunity into a reality. We believe that students within a challenging, cooperative and collaborative environment will excel at academics while fulfilling their intellectual, mental, and social potential.

We are pleased to add another program to our offerings for students. This upcoming program is called “Pathways to College”, and will be available for students in grades 7-12 across all iLearn Schools. The Pathways to College Program provides a unique opportunity for the students by establishing a long term interactive advisor-student relationship which will enhance the student’s probability of acceptance into top-ranking colleges and overall prepare students for life after middle and high school.

Students who are accepted into the PTC program will be engaged in a systematic process that guides, recognizes, and exposes them to different college and career options while working on self growth. The program encourages activities such as academic competitions, team building, college trips, and guest speakers.

PTC Mission & Program Design

The mission of the Pathways to College program is to create an environment for high achieving students to develop academic, social, leadership and teamwork skills. The vision of the Pathways to College program is that every PTC student who graduates from iLearn Schools will perform above and beyond their highest potential and enhance their probability of acceptance into top ranking colleges. The PTC program will focus on three areas of growth; Academic, Personal and Exploratory. Students will grow academically by tutoring in math and ELA, college application essay constriction, SAT/PSAT prep, and students will also have the opportunity to audit online college courses of their choice. Personal growth will be done in both small and large group settings. Small group lessons will incorporate one of the five social emotional learning competences (self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision making, social awareness, and relationship skills). While large group lessons will be team building activities. Students will have the opportunities to explore the world around them by attending up to five field trips per school year. All trips will be related to college, careers, or team building. Trips in the past have been the following activities; college tours, college sporting events, museums, hiking, escape rooms, art classes, cooking classes, and theater productions. Students will also have the opportunity to attend a weekend team building retreat at Princeton Blairstown Center in Blairstown, NJ. Lastly, students will have the opportunity to welcome bi monthly guest speakers to their campus. These speakers will educate the students on their current career, what education is needed to do it, and how they reached their own version of success.

Student Eligibility

The selection should be done based upon the student’s GPA, NJSLA scores, and discipline records. 

      • Students should have a minimum cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.00 or above.

      • A clean discipline record- no out of school suspensions or HIB violations for the students 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years.

      • Discipline “demerit ” points should not exceed 25 pts for the and previous school years.

      • Students will be provided with an online application and have one week to complete it. Students who complete after the deadline should not be accepted.

      • All applications will be sent out to students form their PTC Campus Coordinator.

PTC Program Advisors will assist

planning activities, monitoring progress, and setting goals in the following areas:

Professional Development

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Voluntary Public Service

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Expedition / Exploration

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Physical Fitness / Healthy lifestyle

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Career Exploration (High School)

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Our students

what our Students have to say

Pathway to College


We are currently working with a curriculum mapping company to host all K-12 curricula. This project will be finalized by Fall, 2023.
In the meantime, if you have any specific questions about our curricula, please reach out to your school administration​