Blake is a 10th grade student at Paterson Arts & Science Charter High School
Blake wakes up to prepare for the Friday ahead.
From the comfort of his own bedroom, Blake logs into his Schoology account using his school-issued Chromebook. Blake checks for any new assignments posted to Schoology and reviews grades that he received in his classes. Blake is pleased to see an “A” on his submitted quiz, along with feedback from his English teacher Ms. Righter. Blake’s skills check in Math went fairly well, too, but he still has the opportunity to reassess and learn further through a process known as productive struggle. Blake is always carefully reflecting upon his teachers’ comments and feedback for improvement, and truly appreciates the close one-on-one guidance.
Blake logs into his first class of the day – Math. For this class, the teacher is using Schoology Conferencing, and so Blake gets the chance to actively participate in the lesson through interactive video chat. Just seeing his teacher and fellow classmates and being able to participate in a live discussion virtually makes Blake feel at home in school. Blake tells his younger brother, also a student at iLearn Schools, “I feel like I’m still at school. I’m learning just as much.” Blake’s attendance is also taken when he responds to a short metacognitive discussion board prompt assessing confidence in solving problems using the quadratic formula.
Blake’s parents return home with a free breakfast and lunch provided by the school for all families during distance learning. Blake grabs his breakfast and some nutritious energy before returning to his work.
Blake logs into his second class of the day – Social Studies. Blake’s Social Studies teacher is using YouTube Live for this lesson along with EDpuzzle in order to insert critical questions into the context of both lecture and film analysis. In exploring Nostradamus’s predictions from 1555 of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, nearly 4 centuries before these events ever occured, Blake examines a clip that takes the class through Nostradamus’s claims and the reality that followed. Blake’s scholarly insight receives great praise from his teacher as well as from several of his classmates, as he feels proud of his ability to enhance the academic discourse of the class.
Blake then logs into another one of his favorite classes, English. In a seamless segue between subjects, Blake can bring prior knowledge from the Holocaust with him to English as the class reads Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night. For today’s discussion board prompt, Blake analyzes an original poem penned by his own teacher entitled “History Repeating.” In examining this poem, Blake must determine where the author incorporates assonance, alliteration, allusion, and repetition for rhetorical effect, while commenting on how each of these figurative language devices contributes to the meaning and overall message of the piece. In addition to responding to the prompt, Blake must also respond to one of his classmate’s responses, thus sparking a student-to-student conversation similar to what might happen in a live class.
Blake takes a much needed brain break and refuels with a healthy lunch provided by the school.
Blake logs into his Chemistry class. Blake struggles somewhat in Chemistry, and so his teacher provides additional assistance for him both during and after class through text and video chat.
Once Chemistry class concludes at 1:00 p.m., Blake takes advantage of his teachers’ office hours being from 12:00-3:00 p.m. During this time, Blake works closely with his Chemistry teacher, Mr. Bunson, in preparation for submitting a mini-project exploring how chemical reactions in our bodies and minds can be linked to our everyday actions, feelings, and decisions throughout life.