iLearn Schools
Distance Learning Program


Parent / FAQ

Parents/Caregivers Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will I be able to communicate with my child’s teacher(s) during the iContinue Learning School Day?
A: Yes, your child’s teacher(s) will be available to answer your questions via email, Class Dojo and/or Schoology.
Q: Will my child be responsible for completing assignments during iContinue Learning?
A: Yes, your child will receive daily assignments during the iContinue Learning period. These assignments will count towards a grade and attendance.
Please see the iContinue Learning Plan for specific details.
Q: What if my child is sick during the iContinue Learning period?
A: If your child is sick, please communicate with the school nurse, your child’s teacher and/or school administration.
Q: What if my child has a question about an assignment?
A: All teachers will have office hours, where they will be available to answer student questions about an assignment.
Q: Will my child have the same daily schedule during iContinue Learning?
A: Schedules will be adjusted during the iContinue Learning period to facilitate online instruction, teachers will share schedules with students and parents.
You can refer to the iContinue Learning Plan for specifics as well.
Q: How can I monitor my child’s Academic Progress during iContinue Learning?
Communication platforms/LMS (Schoology, ClassDojo, Seesaw, Google Classroom, School Database, etc.),
assignments and grades posted in the school database, or other practices already used by teachers and parents will remain available.
Q: Will my child continue to receive modifications/accommodations?
A: Yes, your child’s special education teacher will continue to plan along with your child’s general education teacher. Assignments will be graded by the special education teacher.
Q: Will I be able to communicate with my child’s special education teacher(s) during the iContinue Learning School Day?
A: Yes, your child’s special education teacher(s) will be available to answer your questions via email, Class Dojo and/or Schoology.
Q: Will I be able to communicate with my child’s case manager?
A: Yes, you can contact your child’s case manager either through email or by calling their office phone number.
Q: Will my child continue to receive counseling services?
A: If necessary, yes, please reach out to your child’s counselor to discuss the provision of these services.
Q: Will my child continue to receive related services?
A: Yes, Governor Murphy issued a temporary ruling approving the use of Telepractice to deliver related services to students with disabilities on April 1. All therapists are utilizing Google Meet or Go To Meeting to deliver virtual related services.
Q: What if I have an annual review or other planning meeting scheduled for my child?
A: Annual reviews and planning meetings can be conducted via digital platforms. Your child’s case manager will send you a digital invitation.
Q:Will my child continue to receive ESL lessons?
A: Your child’s ESL teacher will continue to plan lessons in alignment to the curriculum. K-8 students will have week-long project based learning assignments.
9-12 students will utilize Schoology to complete their assignments.
Q: Will my child need to complete the WIDA Access assessment?
A: The WIDA Access schedule will be adjusted when school reopens. Any updates regarding testing will be shared with families.
Q: Will iStellar sessions continue during this time?
A: All iStellar sessions have been cancelled until schools reopen.
Q: Will state/national competitions proceed as scheduled?
A: All state/national competitions have either been cancelled or postponed. We will communicate any new dates.
Q: My child is not on free/reduced meals, can I still get meals?
A: Absolutely! iLearn, on behalf of your Charter, has applied for a program that affords ALL students with a breakfast/lunch during the iContinue Program of instruction.
Q: What if I can’t make it, can a relative pick up my children’s meals?
A: Of course we prefer to see our parents but understand the difficulties the school closures put on your family. Just have them identify the student(s) to the staff.
Q: If the school is closed should we be going in to pick up meals?
A: All meal pickups will be outside at the designated location. You just have to drive up and the meal will be delivered at your car window.
Q: Can I pick up meals for multiple days?
A: Not at this time. To ensure freshness of meals, we do not have plans to distribute multiple days of meals.
Q: Will there be live graduations for kindergarten/8th grade/high school seniors?
A: iLearn Schools will follow all state regulations in regards to live graduations. iLearn Schools plans on having live graduations during the week of August 10th-14th. Kindergarten graduations will be held at 10 AM, 8th grade graduations will be held at 2 PM, and high school graduations will be held at 6 PM. Each iLearn school has an assigned graduation date to be communicated to parents by school administration. Social distancing regulations will be implemented to keep our students, families, and school staff safe. If state regulations do not allow for live graduations, then virtual graduations will be held for all schools.

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