Dear Parents and Families of iLearn Schools:

We hope that everyone is staying healthy in this challenging time. We also hope that you enjoyed the Summer and are ready for the reopening of our schools! iLearn Schools is fully committed to everyone’s safe return, and we are taking all measures necessary to ensure that this happens. Our goal is to help everyone across our schools to slowly and safely return to normalcy. 

In order to adhere to social distancing guidelines, we will group students alphabetically for hybrid learning. Students whose last names start with the letter A through L will be in group A. Students whose last names start with the letter M through Z will be in group B. Exceptions will apply for high school students taking electives courses. Students in group A will attend school in person on Mondays and Wednesdays. Group B students will attend school in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For middle schools and high schools Group A students will also attend school in person on Fridays during the month of September, and Group B students will attend school in person on Fridays during the month of October. Elementary school students will be fully virtual on Fridays. This schedule will allow for students to stay connected with schools both in person and from home.

Please see our iContinue Reopening Plan for additional details and more specific information:

iLearn School Reopening Plan

Full-Time Remote Learning Parent Letter

Submit Your Request for
full time remote learning

(The initial deadline to submit this Full-Time Remote Learning request form is Friday, August 21st, two weeks prior to the start of school.)

Only for parents who request Full Time Remote Learning for their child(ren)

How to Submit the request

Please follow the instructions below


Login into your database and click e-Sign Tab to Request for Full Time Learning!


Please read the information and simply verify & Submit!
Please note that this form must be filled out for each child separately.​

Access your database
to submit the request

Bronx ASCS (K-3) - Elementary

Bergen ASCS (K-3) - Elementary

Bergen ASCS (4-8) - Middle

Bergen ASCS (9-12) - High

Passaic ASCS (K-3) - Elementary

Passaic ASCS (4-8) - Middle

Passaic ASCS (9-12) - High

Passaic ASCS (K-3) - Clifton Elementary

Passaic ASCS (4-5) - Clifton Middle

Paterson ASCS (K-3)- Elementary

Paterson ASCS (4-8) - Middle

Paterson ASCS (9-12) - High

Hudson ASCS (K-4) - Elementary

Hudson ASCS (5-8) - Middle

iLearn Schools Reopening
My School Day

      • My parents check me for signs of COVID.  If I don’t have symptoms or a fever, I get ready for school.
      • I wear my mask
      • Follow the guidelines of bus company
      • Load bus front to back
      • I sit next to siblings
      • I maintain social distancing
      • The bus windows are wide open (if it’s raining they are still open but not wide open)
      • I enter through the one entrance designated for arrival and stay 6 feet from each other.  My mask is on correctly and I am not touching my face.
      • I wait to have my temperature taken.
      • I clean my hands with hand sanitizer
      • There are only half of  the students in my class (desks are 6 feet apart from classmates)
      • Classes at home join in on ZOOM
      • My teacher guides our class in setting learning goals for the day.
      • I am prepared for class with my own supplies (no sharing supplies)
      • I keep my mask on in class
      • I follow all the safety guidelines of the school and those given by the teacher
      • I wash my hands thoroughly after using the restroom.


      • I follow all school guidelines regarding transitions from class to class
      • I clean my hands before lunch and after play
      • During lunch and at recess, I social distance at lunch, I social distance at all times.
      • We keep our mask on at all times, inside or outside.  We do not interact with any other classes.
      • I follow all safety/health guidelines of the lunchroom.
      • Other staff members supervise lunch or recess.
      • I follow my designated schedule, I social distance, I wear my mask, I sanitize my hands before and after locker use, I use my time wisely at my locker, and I never share my locker with someone else.
      • Follow the assembly guidelines
      • Most assemblies will be virtual
      • Assemblies can be broadcasted live.
      • I keep my mask on at all times
      • Activities will ensure social distancing
      • We don’t get to use a lot of equipment but we will be using our muscles
      • I make sure I have my assignments and know what to do for my next school day whether it be virtual or live.
      • I wipe my desk, supplies and Chromebook, clean my hands, and put on my backpack.
      • I follow my designated dismissal schedule 
      • I exit the same way I came in
      • I grab my lunch on the way out 
      • I enter the bus from back to front.

How my school keeps me safe all day long?

Classes make sure students’ desks are social distanced

Students are scheduled so that they are not near each other in the hallways

Students social distance during breakfast and lunch

Students practice safety routines and frequent hand washing

Students will not share materials at all

School has markings and posters to ensure they are following health guidelines.

Our counselors will be accessible for social and emotional learning.

Meal Program

    • Students who opt to be Full-time Remote Learners will receive breakfast and lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Meals can be picked from 9:00 am to 10:30 am from your child’s school campus. Staff from Maschio’s and school administration will designate an area outside the school building for meal distribution. 
    • Students who opt to be Hybrid learners and are designated to report to the school building on Monday and Wednesday will receive their meal for the next day, when they are scheduled to be remote, at the end of the day.  Students who opt to be Hybrid learners and are designated to report to the school building on Tuesday and Thursday will receive their meal for the next day , when they are scheduled to be remote, tat the end of the day.  In addition, this group can come in on Monday from 9:00 am to 10:30 am if they prefer to pick up their food on that day.
    • Families who are designated to receive free or reduced meals, will receive breakfast and lunch for free during this time period.  Families who are designated to receive paid meals, can pick up meals for the remote days, but will need to pay the daily meal fee.


Bus transportation is decided by the sending districts.  If your child receives transportation with your sending district and you have not heard anything, please be sure to communicate with your sending district if you have any questions. In addition, some districts will be sending home information (via email, letter or phone call) on their decision to provide aid in lieu, instead of transportation

Frequently Asked Questions


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