Dear Parents and Families of iLearn Schools:
We hope that everyone is staying healthy in this challenging time. We also hope that you enjoyed the Summer and are ready for the reopening of our schools! iLearn Schools is fully committed to everyone’s safe return, and we are taking all measures necessary to ensure that this happens. Our goal is to help everyone across our schools to slowly and safely return to normalcy.
In order to adhere to social distancing guidelines, we will group students alphabetically for hybrid learning. Students whose last names start with the letter A through L will be in group A. Students whose last names start with the letter M through Z will be in group B. Exceptions will apply for high school students taking electives courses. Students in group A will attend school in person on Mondays and Wednesdays. Group B students will attend school in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For middle schools and high schools Group A students will also attend school in person on Fridays during the month of September, and Group B students will attend school in person on Fridays during the month of October. Elementary school students will be fully virtual on Fridays. This schedule will allow for students to stay connected with schools both in person and from home.
Please see our iContinue Reopening Plan for additional details and more specific information:
iLearn School Reopening Plan
Full-Time Remote Learning Parent Letter
(The initial deadline to submit this Full-Time Remote Learning request form is Friday, August 21st, two weeks prior to the start of school.)
Only for parents who request Full Time Remote Learning for their child(ren)
Please follow the instructions below
Login into your database and click e-Sign Tab to Request for Full Time Learning!
Please read the information and simply verify & Submit!
Please note that this form must be filled out for each child separately.
How my school keeps me safe all day long?
Classes make sure students’ desks are social distanced
Students are scheduled so that they are not near each other in the hallways
Students social distance during breakfast and lunch
Students practice safety routines and frequent hand washing
Students will not share materials at all
School has markings and posters to ensure they are following health guidelines.
Our counselors will be accessible for social and emotional learning.
Bus transportation is decided by the sending districts. If your child receives transportation with your sending district and you have not heard anything, please be sure to communicate with your sending district if you have any questions. In addition, some districts will be sending home information (via email, letter or phone call) on their decision to provide aid in lieu, instead of transportation
Coming soon