Free Summer Meals Program Announcement

The United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Summer Food Service Program provides free meals when school is out! Please view the attached flier for eligibility criteria and locations. Flyer-SFSP.pdf

Thank you Teachers, Administrators and Staff!

Dear iLearn Schools Teachers, Administrators, and Staff, “When you create a difference in someones’ life, you not only impact their lives, you impact everyone influenced by them throughout their entire lifetime. No act is ever too small. One by one, this is how to make an ocean rise.” As the CEO of iLearn Schools, it […]


COVID 19 UPDATE: iLearn Schools WILL REMAIN CLOSED!To protect the health of our children, our educators, and their families, all iLearn Schools (NY and NJ) WILL REMAIN CLOSED for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. Our Distance Learning education program “iContinue Learning” will continue until June 11, 2020. All athletics, extracurricular activities, and school-related events are […]

COVID-19 Relief Fund

We are fundraising for those affected by the Covid-19 crisis This moment is a testament to the human spirit and iLearn Schools stands ready to help any way we can! In response to the COVID-19 crisis, iLearn Schools has committed to support its families and the community overcome their struggles through its iCare initiative. The […]

Way to go Mr. Soydam!

Our very own Mr. Soydam, Fifth Grade Science Teacher at Passaic Middle School, was featured at NJTV Learning Live. He discussed the earth movement and shadow tracker. Check his remote teaching at Way to go Mr. Soydam!

Bronx Lottery Announcement

Bronx Arts and Science Charter School  Virtual Lottery will take place on Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 3 PM on youtube. You can watch the lottery with this link on youtube:

iContinue Learning Parent Survey

iContinue Learning Parent SurveyAt iLearn Schools, we believe that no matter the challenge in front of us, we can conquer it together through our caring and continued commitment to learning in the face of adversity. iLearn Schools’ distance learning program (iContinue Learning) provides students, staff, and families across all iLearn Schools with the technological learning tools […]

Marking Period 3 Schoology Updates

April 3, 2020Greetings iLearn Schools Families, We hope that this letter finds you all well and in good spirits!  We are aware that Schoology has been experiencing system errors.  Schoology mentions that they are doing all they can to invest in fixing this problem.   Teachers are working diligently to update Marking Period 3 grades.  While all assignments […]

iContinue Learning – Distance Learning Can Be Real Learning

With so many students learning from home, the critical question we face as educators today is: what does effective and productive distance learning look like exactly? Through distance learning, schools can continue making great strides forward with students for the future. In fact, with the right infrastructure and learning management systems in place, along with […]

Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences

iLearn Schools’ The First-Ever Virtual Parent-Teacher ConferencesMark Your Calendar, April 8-9, 2020More Details Coming Soon#icontinuelearning