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Invest in Our Students

Providing students with meaningful and enriching academic and experiential learning is our goal! This ensures that we expand our students' knowledge and help them achieve in school, in their careers and in life. However, we cannot do this alone. You're part of this picture! Our schools cannot fully operate on the public per-pupil allocation we receive. Therefore, to strengthen our efforts and realize our vision, we count on the support of caring community members, motivated parents and those who believe in a quality education for all of our students.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Your donation will help make a big difference to our students' further education!

You can also send donation via mail:

Make the check payable to iLearn Schools.
Send it to: iLearn Schools ℅ Beanne DeGuzman
33-00 Broadway Suite 301 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

Can’t donate but willing to volunteer?

Volunteers are an essential part of our efforts to ensure academic achievement for every student in every school. Apart from volunteering being a rewarding experience, iLearn Schools appreciate everything that volunteers do to help us achieve our mission – to provide the best academic and experiential learning environment for our students to achieve their goals.

By offering time and effort, volunteers make a valuable contribution toward the success and well-being of our students.

***Some volunteer opportunities may require a background check especially activities that involve supervising students or working with students without another school employee

Our Corporate Partners

iLearn Schools partners and supporters make it possible for us to achieve our goal of providing high-quality education to children regardless of their zip code. Thanks to their generosity and commitment, we are able to give opportunities to our students that will help them thrive in college, careers and life.

Corporate partnership will help your company or organization gain extensive visibility within our internal and external network . While Corporate Sponsorship is not an endorsement, it does provide sponsors with enhanced visibility and exposure as well as offer useful resources that will assist our students and families. Your sponsorship will help support iLearn Schools enhancement programs.

Corporate Sponsors are not endorsed by iLearn Schools which reserves the right to revoke sponsorship status at any time that iLearn Schools determines the sponsor's business purposes and functions to be inconsistent with the core values of iLearn Schools.

Sponsorship/Partnership Benefits

In return for your investment in iLearn Schools, your organization will have excellent opportunities to:

Increase your reach and exposure to new clients, businesses, specifically to more than 5000 families of iLearn Schools
Promote/showcase your product or service in a new and innovative way
Position your organization as a supporter of high-quality education regardless of zip code
Associate your organization with iLearn Schools, the biggest public charter school in Northern New Jersey
Create marketing research for your company with our willing participants
Support our underserved students while also building your brand
Speak/present at chosen events Use iLearn Schools logo for your cause advertising

Publicity Campaign

Promotional campaign for all our events will be aimed at the more than 5000 families attending iLearn Schools. They will also be aimed at individuals, companies and organizations who are involved in our cause.

Promotional tactics include: Flyers around all iLearn Schools’ campuses
iLearn Schools’ website advertising
Exposure to iLearn Schools’ social media channels (combined 5,000 followers)
Email broadcast to more than 15,000 contacts
Releases to media


There are many ways to make a gift to the iScholar Fund. You can simply make a one-time gift by check or online or you may wish to consider establishing a named permanently scholarship fund in honor or memory of a loved one.

Please contact us for help to identify the giving opportunity that suits your philanthropic goals. For a timely response, contact our Philanthropy department by sending an email to [email protected].

Send a check payable to iLearn Schools, 33-00 Broadway Fair Lawn, NJ 07410. Please indicate “Scholarship Fund” on your check or memo.

Online Donation

Make a credit card donation online through our online giving platform. When making a contribution, you will have an opportunity to designate your gift to The Scholarship Fund to a memorial or honoree. Please consider making a monthly contribution.

Note: You will be provided the option of adding the credit card processing fee to your donation amount. This will cover the processing fee for the Scholarship Fund and will be greatly appreciated.

Consider Making a Pledge

If you are unable to donate at this time, please consider sending us your pledge to be paid within this calendar year. This helps us tremendously as we plan our budgets and, equally important, it enables us to concentrate our fundraising efforts on others whom we have been unable to reach. Pledge by sending us an email at [email protected]

Start your own named fund

Consider establishing a named fund to honor a loved one or someone you admire. A minimum $30,000 investment will provide a permanent, annual scholarship award to fifteen graduating students. Pledges may be paid over time, and donors may add to their funds at any time in order to increase the annual award. For details and assistance on how to start this named fund, email [email protected].

Sponsor our Events

We have three big fundraising events to raise awareness of our cause while also raising significant funds towards the scholarship program. These sponsorship opportunities could provide visibility and brand recognition for your company. If you would like to sponsor all or any of our events, please email [email protected].

Tax Deductibility

iLearn Schools is a 501(c)(3) organization; all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under law. Our federal tax ID number is 47-3603519

Interested in Enrolling?

The application process for the following school year starts by September of the current year. iLearn Schools does not discriminate in its admission policies or practices on the basis of intellectual or athletic ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, status as a handicapped person, proficiency in the English language or any other basis that would be illegal if used by a district board of education.

*We are currently accepting applications for 2024-2025