Dear Families, Faculty and Staff of iLearn,
In preparation for our upcoming school year, the iOpen Task Force has been planning for over a month to be able to roll out iLearn’s plan for next school year.
Governor Murphy announced on Friday, June 26th, that schools can reopen in September with some restrictions. The iOpen plan for September is to run a hybrid model, where students are assigned two days a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday), with a rotating schedule for Fridays. Specific details will be shared in August by each school administration.
The hybrid model will permit for class sizes to be split in half, allowing for schools to follow social distancing regulations. We also plan on implementing live streaming lessons, and students will be expected to log on to view and participate live in the class on the days they are at home. This hybrid, live streaming model will allow for the necessary home-school connection.
In addition to academics, we have planned for health and safety, and look forward to sharing those plans with you as well. Please note that following social distancing regulations, we will limit visitors to the building, and will require masks to be worn by anyone who enters the building, this includes teachers and students. Additionally, everyone who enters the building will have his/her temperature taken, and precautions will be taken for anyone with a temperature.
As more details are finalized, and we continue to hear from the state on guidance, we will continue to update you. We wish you a restful, safe, and healthy summer, and look forward to seeing you on the first day of school, September 8th.
iOpen Task Force