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iLearn Schools proudly presents iLearn Academy!

Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to iLearn Academy! iLearn Academy is a federal grant program funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) initiative dedicated exclusively to supporting local afterschool, before-school and summer learning programs. Learn More


iLearn Academy Registration

Registration for iLearn Academy, a 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) initiative, is a two step process. You may complete your registration by completing the forms in each of the steps below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your campus coordinator.

iLearn Academy Contact Info

A 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) initiative

Program Director

Mr. Raif Hyseni
Phone: (973) 773-9140
Email: [email protected]

Bergen ASCS Middle Site

Mr. Serdal Arslan
200 MacArthur Avenue Garfield,NJ 07026
Phone: (973) 253-0002
Email: [email protected]
Data clerk: [email protected]

Passaic ASCS Middle Site Coordinator

Mr. Julio Gomez
188 1st Street Passaic,NJ 07055
Phone: (862) 225-9400
Email:[email protected]
Data clerk: [email protected]

Paterson ASCS Middle Site Coordinator

Mr. Shaban Gjoka
225 Grand Street Paterson,NJ 07501
Phone: (862) 336-1550
Email: [email protected]
Data clerk: [email protected]

Passaic Clifton ASCS Site Coordinator

Mrs. Caitlin Osmanski
43 Clifton Ave, Clifton, NJ 07011
Phone: (973) 955-4055
Email: [email protected]
Data Clerk: [email protected]

Hudson ASCS Middle Site Coordinator

Ms. Kelly Oliveira
114 Chestnut St. Kearny,NJ 07032
Phone: (201) 955-1818
Email: [email protected]
Data clerk: [email protected]

The following iLearn Academy Program is funded by iLearn Schools and is not part of the 21st CCLC Grant

Bronx ASCS Site Coordinator

Ms. Eleonora Gegaj
925 Hutchinson River Pkwy, Bronx, NY
Phone: (718) 823-1065
Email: [email protected]

Frequently Asked questions

iLearn Academy-21st CCLC after school program is dedicated to enriching the educational, social, and cultural opportunities of students and families in the communities served by the District.

Ilearn Academy- 21st CCLC program aims to provide expanded academic enrichment opportunities for students attending 4-8th grades. Tutorial services and academic enrichment activities are designed to help students meet local and state academic standards in reading and math.

While the main focus in the program is academic enrichment, other components will focus on building social, physical, and emotional skills through activities in fitness, sports, arts, culture, science, math, and technology.

This enrichment also includes STEM projects, hands-on science curriculum that uses a guided inquiry approach and is infused with language arts and math skills (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Students will travel to science museums across the state. Parents will be offered workshops as well, making STEM learning a family activity. The program will culminate with a Make Things Happen festival to be held in the Spring. This hands-on science focus will make students want to attend the program, teach them new skills, and excite them about STEM careers.

The components of the 21st CCLC Program include:

      • Tutoring
      • Homework Assistance
      • Academic Enrichment-STEM Projects
      • Recreation/Cultural Arts
      • A Healthy Snack

 Daily Schedule will run as follows:

                3:00 – 3:45: ELA/Math Block

               3:50 – 4:35: Homework Block

              4:40 – 5:45: Enrichment- STEM Projects/Physical Education/Art/SEL

Ilearn Academy- 21st CCLC program provides a safe and healthy learning environment by ensuring that the following components are incorporated in the grant application and program implementation:

      • Provides students healthy food including after school snack and summer meals.
      • Students are served in a safe easily accessible environment.

Our program staff includes day school teachers, youth development specialists, community members, college and high school students who serve as role models. 

The Student Council and Advisory Board will help structure the program, making it fully responsive to community needs.

iLearn Academy will operate Monday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. The program will follow the regular day school schedule, and will not operate on early dismissal days or emergency closings. Parents will be notified in case of cancellation of the program.

Students who are currently attending 4-8th grades in Paterson, Passaic, Bergen and Hudson ASCS Middle schools can apply for iLearn Academy. Parents whose students are enrolled to the program are expected to participate all iLearn Academy programs.

Students in grades 4-8th attending Passaic, Paterson, Bergen and Hudson ASCS Middle schools are eligible to participate in the program. Parents/Guardians must pre-register their child online, fill out the registration package and hand in to the school secretary. The Registration form can be found here. There is limited spots available and registration will be on first come first served basis.

Regular attendance is essential to meet program goals. Regular attendance is expected for students to obtain the maximum educational opportunity provided to them. Unexcused absences may require the dismissal of the student from the program.

Students who are enrolled to iLearn Academy are entitled to participate Summer Program which will be offered during June and July for twenty hours per week. iLearn Academy Summer Program hours of operation and the schedule will be announced in the Spring.

Parents/Guardians may expect that:

      • They may visit with the site coordinator about concerns related to their child or the program.
      • They will be informed about any misbehavior on the part of their child and meet with the Site coordinator to bring improvement in the situation.
      • They will be regularly informed about iLearn Academy activities
      • They will be informed promptly if their child is in jeopardy of being dismissed from the program.

The Program expects that parents/guardians will:

      • Make every attempt to attend monthly iLearn Academy programs.
      • Keep the child’s records up to date.
      • Pick up their child on time.
      • Contact the Site coordinator if the child will not be attending the program for three or more consecutive days.
      • Be attentive of correspondence that comes from iLearn Academy

 “ This project was funded in its entirety Under Title IV, Part B of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant funds through a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Education.”